
  • One Git, Many Hats = How I Manage Multiple Git Identities

    Manually managing Git identities for multiple projects can be tedious. I would know, over the past couple of years, I’ve been using bits and pieces of this guide, but I recently automated my workflow entirely. My goal is to configure Git identities automatically based on a repository’s location while keeping...

  • Split Large Files into Lines with NodeJS

    Splitting a file into lines is pretty straight forward when working with smaller files, however larger files can run into memory issues. The convenient way to split a file into lines with NodeJS is to use fs.readFile and then split it by the newline character. You can even make it...

  • Using Binary Files in AWS Lambda

    I struggled for a few hours trying to run a binary file in an AWS Lambda function. I kept getting “cannot execute binary file”. I tried all sorts of fixes such as giving the file execute permissions and moving the file into the writeable tmp directory in Lambda to reapply...

  • Deconstructing an Object Relationship Mapper (ORM) in Typescript

    Deconstructing a Typescript ORM - Mapping Objects - Part 1 Have you ever wondered how an ORM works? After working through rolling my own lightweight Typescript ORM, I have some answers. We’re not going to talk through building a full ORM in this article but we will set up a...