
  • Automating Route53 DNS Updates for Blue/Green Deployments (the hard way)

    Blue/Green Architecture A blue/green architecture in some form or fashion is a necessity for highly available systems. This means that you have at least two seperate production environments. The blue one is in use, handling live traffic while the green one is a clone of the production system and ready...

  • Migrating from Sequel Pro to Sequel Ace

    Sequel Pro is a MySQL/MariaDB management GUI for macOS and it has been around for a long time. Sequel Pro’s first release was in 2008 and at the time of this writing, the last one was in 2016. I’ve been using Sequel Pro for the past seven years but with...

  • Restoring a MySQL Database from .frm and .ibd Files on MacOS

    Ending 2020 by losing all your MySQL data seems about right doesn’t it? I spent a full day recovering my data after updating to the latest Docker version on a NAS. It nuked my MySQL container in the process. Luckily, I had some database files but they were in .frm...

  • Setting up a Serverless Project with Webpack, Babel, and Knex

    Using Webpack with the Serverless Framework is handy if you want to use the latest Javascript features along with Babel. It also helps to optimize the packaging of functions so we can make sure we’re only shipping code that is lean and mean. However, adding the delightful query builder Knex...